DIY Monkey Pancakes

Hi guys, today i will be explaining to you how to create Monkey Pancakes!

step 1: make a pancake batter. A simple delicious pancake batter is listed down below

  • 1 large egg or 1 egg and one yolk
  • ½ pint/280ml milk
  • 4oz/110g plain flour (4 heaped dessertspoons)
  • 1 tbsp melted butter                      (Makes 8)

step 2: Cook the pancakes. you will need to make 4 different size and coloured pancakes. One should be big and brown (head) 2 should be white and small is size (ears) and the last will be white and medium in size (mouth)

step 3: organize the pancakes having the biggest one is the middle, the two smaller ones which must be white placed on the side and the white medium sized one placed at the mid-bottom of to monkeys face.

step 4: use small fruit of your choice (preferably blueberry’s) or chocolate chips to create the monkeys eyes, nostrils and mouth. Add a peeled Banana on the side. you may even add some maple syrup.

step 5: ENJOY




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