All The bright Places

All the bright places is a book about a girl who learns to live from a boy who wants to die. The author of the book is Jennifer Niven and the publisher is Alfred A. Knopf. It was published  on the 6th of January 2015.

The book begins with the phrase “Is today a good day to die?” this phrase really sets the tone for the rest of the book which shows us that the characters are suicidal and unhappy, that is, until they meet each other.

The story begins with violet and finch needing to do an assignment together in which they see and experience many amazing things together. That is, until finch travels to a destination by himself and everything begins to change. all-the-bright-places-jktThe movie for this book will be starring Elle Fanning and (more than likely) Nicholas Hoult. The movie will be out sometime during 2017.

I was recommended this book by my best friend and I, along with her, immediately fell in love with it. Its such a heartwarming story that definitely will make u teary eyed. I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

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